Lots of things happened during the past few months. And today I’m going to talk about the major highlights of the first half of the year!
To start with, I think I will call this year the books year and that’s for two main reasons.
One is the fact that I finally, along with other inspiring & awesome colleagues, managed to launch the first book club ever in my company! We are so far 10 members and we are currently reading our second book. We have set the ground rules for the bookclub. And we hold our discussions twice a month. It’s been great fun so far and I can see a brighter future for our little initiative.
Second, is the fact that we finally have our first book reviews book in Oman. Thanks to Kitten for the great idea! Check it out here, contribute if you wish & spread the word. I can't wait for you to see! And you better run on over and check it out. ;)
Hey do you remember A Step? It’s still alive and kicking! *well sort of*. However, I’m working on a major make-over to it in terms of appearance & content. And hopefully, if all goes well, we are making our first formal appearance to the public by Jan’12. I would sooo much appreciate your feedback and support. And I will take this opportunity to announce that Kitten is now part of the team. J
Some other surprise is in the making! Will keep you guys updated InshaAllah.
So yah..that was a very quick update. The next post is going to be in Arabic I guess? I realized that my head functions in Arabic so I sort of decided to respect that fact J
Random questions:
1. Have you met a heatless person today?
2. Who will be your top 5 people you want to be with in Heaven/Paradise?
3. Don’t you think anonymous writing is so 2008?
4. Do you mind sharing your real name & personal picture on twitter/facebook? Why?
Till next time :)
Till next time :)