Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Story of a little girl who used to be me!

Once upon a time, I was a little girl…

I thought that everyone has a certain number of words in his life, if he completes his balance, he won't be able to speak no more…

Do not ask me where I got this idea from or how it came to my mind…

At that time, the severity of its impact on myself forced me to fast from talking… 'Cause the more I talk, the more words I lose from my balance, and I'm certainly going to need this balance when I grow up more than I do need it now..

I decided to be smarter than everyone and speak less…
But couldn't help with the hundreds of words stuck unsaid inside my throat…
Held them inside and started writing them down …
And there came the day I realized all what I believed in was not any true…
And I still hate that fact

Now imagine, dear me, if we really have that certain number of words…
There won't be any backbiters…
And our life would be much-much better…


Amarant said...

wow what an idea! never thought of it

but yah if it was real and ppl knew it, they would talk so much less!!!

LA ❤ said...

Deep thinker mashAllah..

I wonder what made you think that way..

But at least it made you start writing =)

~ PizZ

Meteor said...

that would be great from one side
at least gossip would disappear :)

and congrats for the new job :P

nice to discover that you blog