Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Third Year


Life is a series of accomplishments. Some are small (creating a blog account). Some are big (graduating...etc etc). And then some are absolutely freaking huge! Well to me at least, posting and being here for the third year is one huge accomplishment! :D

It was little over two years when I decided to write a book, and then changed my mind and shared the idea of this blog with my friend.

In the honor of this post, I'd like to take this opportunity to reflect back on my time spent here. I have truly enjoyed bringing my readers some articles, thoughts, ramblings, discussions and stories! I really appreciate my followers, and wanted to say thank you from my heart - mn galb galb gaaalbi :D

ايمانا مني بأهمية ومكانة الحوار النظيف وتبادل الأفكار والآراء
I decided to start posting a series of blog entries to discuss various issues (social, local, political...etc). This series will be under the following Tag (نقطة نظام)

Why (نقطة نظام)?
There was a GREAT Kuwaiti radio program hosted by Nasser Al Mujaibil during the holy month of Ramadan every year. I always wanted it to be aired all year. The idea of the program inspired me A LOT and so decided to call my blog series

نقطة نظام

قل ما تريد ...أرسل بريد...أوصل كلام
وارفع يدك...شارك وقل...
نقطة نظام

إن الحوار مع العقول
يثريك من فكر الأنام
يعطيك أفكارا ترى
فيها خلافا وانسجام

إن الثقافة في الحوار
تهديك من قيم الكبار
وتنير آفاقا بها
تجد الظلام غدا نهار!

Thanks again Dear Me, Dear Readers & Followers. Happy third year & happy new year!


Rumaitha said...

Happy New Year to you Faith..!!

Never stop posting ;)

Salima Al Masrouri said...

Happy New Year to you too dear Rummy! :)

Thanks for passing by. Means a lot!