Thursday, May 27, 2010
Stories That Touched My Heart Part III
So, am boring you again with my stories. :D
Three weeks ago, I was invited at my friend’s place for a Pajama Party. We started by playing baby foot with her younger siblings, was great fun. Then we played a little Pro Evolution. Half an hour later, we went to the girls’ bedroom where my friend’s sisters and 2 female cousins where sitting; chatting and stuff…
My friend’s youngest sister “11 years old” entered the room carrying 3 big photo albums. They all belonged to their deceased Mom “allah yer7amha” who passed away 4 years ago of Lever Cirrhosis.
One album was of their mom during uni days in Qatar, another one has pics of her engagement party & wedding party. Third has pics of their mom with each one of them when they were kids; since they were babies till they grew up..
My heart was aching, I was so astonished and intimidated by the amount of patient each one of them has. I couldn’t hold myself, it was so emotional and just too much for me to handle….I pretended that am tired and went to bed earlier than the plan. And I barely slept that night.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
[Memories] M3alam's School
It took me quite a while to start writing this blog, am trying to decide whether to write it in Arabic or English "I know I suck at both, but anyways"..I think I'll write it in Arabic...
يوم أمس وقبل لا انام كنت ماره غرفة الاطفال الصغار "اليهال" الي كل حد مصر ان يسميهم يهال بالرغم من أن أصغر واحد فيهم أطول مني...عموما...وشفت في مكتبتهم مصحف بغدادي
!!مجرد رؤيته بعثت في نفسي شجون ورديت *ثمنتعش* سنة ورا
*فلاش باك*
.أيام صيف 91 لما كنا نروح المصيف في إحدى القرى الريفية الساحرة :P
.أيام صيف 91 لما كنا نروح المصيف في إحدى القرى الريفية الساحرة :P
المدة كانت تتراوح من اسبوعين إلى شهر...وأحيانا أكثر
في إحدى الصباحات الجميلة في الحياة كنت قايمة الصبح وشفت عمي يعطي أحد اخواني فلوس ويقوله روحوا مدرسة بو فلان ومروا على أم فلان واشتروا من عندها قاعده بغدادية وجزء عم
وانا سرحت وراحت الأفكار تأخذني يمنة ويسرة أحاول أتخيل شكل القاعده البغدادية "مينو؟ لأ أكيد كاكاو بو قفشة! لا يطلع جوتي؟" وهكذا...
اخوي الأكبر يحاول يقنعني أني اقعد في البيت وخصوصا ان شكلي مش ولا بد من السرير إلى بيت الحرمة بعد ما يصير...ولكني اقنعته بطريقتي الخاصه وعلى قولة المثل "منو يعرف مريوم في سوق الخلاجين؟" المهم اني تبعتهم إلى بيت الحرمة وأصريت عليهم الا ويشترون لي قاعدة بغدادية
واكتشفت بأنها شيء كهذا:
حضرت يومين أو 3 أيام بالكثير *رزة ويه* ولكنها كانت أيام حلوة
كانت الحياة وايد بسيطه وهادية
أحن إلى طفولتي المسلوبة خخ
وأحن لأيام أول...
ذكرتك يا زمان أول
ذكرتك يا زمان أول كثر مافكري يتجول
مع أيامك مع سنينك مع شوق معك طول
ذكرت الناس بالديرة
ذكرت الناس بالديرة
ومبدا الجار والجيرة
وناس من بساطتها
تجيك بعالي السيرة
على فكرة في اللحظة 00:59 المخرج يطلع بالغلط ركزوا!! ههه
Till next time! :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ten things you want to do before you die

The other day I watched an episode of Oprah's show where she intereviewd a group of guys who called themselves "The Burried Life" after the famous poem by Mattew Arnold. Each one of them listed ten things they want to do before they die and started making some come true...and actually crossed out many of them :D
So I thought to myself, what are the ten things I really want to do before I die?
I made my own list, that am going to share with you all. Make your own list, set some goals and start LIVING your life because before you know it, it will be too late!
And here's my list:
1. I want to go to Afghanistan "Herat & Kabul specifically". I want to see the places mentioned in "A Thousand Splendid Suns" Novel by Khaled Hosseini ...I want to build a school for kids like Maryam :'( and adopt a child from the orphanage Laila worked in :(
Yegool el sha3r Saib Tabrizi..e7m e7m:
Every street in Kabul is enthralling to the eye
Through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass
One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roof
And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls
2. I want to ride my childhood friend's bicycle again!
3. I want to sky dive!
4. I want to publish a book that can change something in ppl's life! *hopefully*
5. I want to start my own business, something related to *2* things I like the most in this life!
6. I want to pray in Al Aqsa...for once
7. And of course, I want to go for Hajj....And pay for the entire trip from my own pocket
9. Invest in my little sister's education till she graduates from high school inshallah
10. Will tell you some other time!
Friday, May 14, 2010
[Exclusive Coverage] Mini Bloggers Meet-up!
Mini Bloggger Meet Up
Event Summary
Date: 9th of May 2010 Time: 7:30 PM Place: [------] Café
Attendees: Shahrazad, Um 3azzan (Arabian Princess), Reality in Oman, Nadia (Dhofari Gucci), Spot (Spot’s Republic) and I.
2:33 PM I got a text message from Shahrazad:
“ Hi Faith, Um 3azzan & I are meeting up tonight with Dhofari Gucci & Reality. Care to join? :) “
I replied right away and we agreed that Um 3azzan passes by both of us. 30 minutes before the meeting, Spot decided to join, she couldn’t miss such a meeting!
So we arrived almost on time. It felt weird in a funny way at the beginning to meet up with people I always read their blogs and whom I always wondered how they look like in reality and stuff. It’s interesting to see the faces behind the nicknames I should say! :)
Shahrazad: So Nadia who you think is Faith?
*Me & Spot standing next to each other and smiling at Reality and Nadia*
Nadia: *Pointing at me* this must Faith!
*Everyone laughed*
So we had our seats. I’ve never imagined that I’d ever feel that shy. I barely said a word at the beginning. I pretended to be a good listener to the discussions that had begun where I was feeling sooo shy inside, don’t ask me why. But in 15 minutes later or so I started to mangle in and spoke a little. Throughout the discussion, Nadia kept on shaking her head and she was like “Faith…Faith..I always thought you’re a tiny short girl..GOD” and on other times she went like “I should have brought my grill pink shades”
Anyways, soo we discussed various hot topics, every one of us had something to share: opinions, real stories, laughs, sighs…etc etc. Worthy to mention that so many spot on sorta questions were raised by Shahrazad (P.S. she’d make a good TV host in the future, she’s SO getting there ;D)
We all enjoyed the gathering [Well I hope?] I personally enjoyed it so much the way I almost forgot about my Ceaser’s salad I ordered :p, I kept on listening carefully to what each lady’s got to say. And yah I was watching how rebellious Reality was even when she’s eating, and how Nadia preferred to eat her sandwiches her very own way :P. Spot was almost the most talkative *Mashallah* :p. Um 3azzan was mesmerizing *as she always is*, Ialways liked the way she puts her thoughts. And yah, [I can't miss mentioning this]: Shahrazad was caught many times texting her Mr :p.
Random quotes from the meet-up:
Um3azzan: “"أنا أحب بالعربي
Spot: “Three years of torture…walla!”
Reality: “Give me anything…but flowers!”
Nadia: “I better speak in English, you’ll laugh at my Dhofari accent”
PS: Sorry ladies if I surprised you, but had to post something about it! :D
احبة قلبي إن قلبي نزيلكم وحاشا نزيل الاكرمين يضام سلام عليكم ماارق وصالكم وغاية مجهود المقل سلام
Till next time Dear Readers & Dear Me
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Only in Bahrain - Part II
Batelco & Viva Bahrain are two telecom competing companies in Bahrain. The first one is Bahraini and the second is Saudi. There is an ads-war *if I can call it so* going on there. Pics speak louder, enjoy ;p :
Viva Bahrain Vs. Batelco
أول وحده قويية
Till next time :)Tuesday, May 4, 2010
صباح اليوم...وكل يوم
هممت بالتقاط ثيابي الملقية على الأرض بشغب متثاقلة كسلا..رفعت قميصي المخطط والتقت عيني بانعكاس صورتي على المرآه المحاذية للحمام. أشعر وكأنني أعيش في صندوق يحجبني عن العالم بأسره. اقتربت أكثر من المرآه..ركزت نظري على عيني وأنا أحادث نفسي "يا الله...أحس اني كبرت 10 سنوات في السنتين الي طافوا"
أختي الصغيرة تجلس أمام المرآه لمدة ساعة تتأمل نفسها...ثم تشتكي من "البنت في المدرسة" التي أسمعتها كلاما جارحا بالأمس..
أخي الأصغر يتوعد بأن يلقنها درسا لن تنساه "إذا ما حد مأدبها في البيت والله لأدبها"...أمي تعنفه وتحاول افهامه انه ليست من واجباتك تأديب الناس..التفت لنفسك أول!
أبقيت الباب مفتوحا وأنا أكمل ترتيب الغرفة...وأرتب معها أفكاري المتشتته في كل حدب وصوت
صوت التقاء أكواب الحليب بالطاولة في المطبخ والفوضى العارمه التي اجتاحت المطبخ بدأ بالوصول إلى مسمعي.
عراك آخر.."أنا مجيد بيوصلني قبل اليوم".. "لأ أنا"..."أسهر بالليل وعقب قول وصلوني أول واحد"....الخ..
أمي تتبعهم إلى الباب الخارجي وبيدها أحد أكواب حليب.. أحدهم خرج من البيت دون أن يشربه .."وبعدين معاكم.."
بيكسي "القطه" ملقية بجسدها المدلل عن الباب تفرك نفسها بأقدام الداخل والخارج بدلع...حين يخرج الجميع تبدأ بأخذ حمامها اليومي..بلسانها...
أبدأ بالأستعداد لبدأ يوم جديد...رتابة يوميه تتكرر كل صباح! وأقف دائما في نفس الطريق أبتسم للـ"رايح والياي"...أنتظر يوم تشرق الشمس فيه ولا تغيب بعدها...للأبد..
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Only In Bahrain
Dear Readers - Dear Me,


It's the 2nd of May today, almost the mid of the year! Is it me or every year passes faster than the year before?
I thought of sharing some interesting stuff I saw in Bahrain last week.
1. You'd see a similar ad to the one below almost everywhere you go in Bahrain:

This poster is part of a HUGE campaign called A9eel; aim is improving both work ethics and positive attitudes of the government's employees in Bahrain. Check their site to watch the Webisodes and know more about the campaign!
2. Kids Gym. Considering the high percentage of Obesity in Bahrain, I think it's quite a wise idea!

Till bext time! :)
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