Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Third Year


Life is a series of accomplishments. Some are small (creating a blog account). Some are big (graduating...etc etc). And then some are absolutely freaking huge! Well to me at least, posting and being here for the third year is one huge accomplishment! :D

It was little over two years when I decided to write a book, and then changed my mind and shared the idea of this blog with my friend.

In the honor of this post, I'd like to take this opportunity to reflect back on my time spent here. I have truly enjoyed bringing my readers some articles, thoughts, ramblings, discussions and stories! I really appreciate my followers, and wanted to say thank you from my heart - mn galb galb gaaalbi :D

ايمانا مني بأهمية ومكانة الحوار النظيف وتبادل الأفكار والآراء
I decided to start posting a series of blog entries to discuss various issues (social, local, political...etc). This series will be under the following Tag (نقطة نظام)

Why (نقطة نظام)?
There was a GREAT Kuwaiti radio program hosted by Nasser Al Mujaibil during the holy month of Ramadan every year. I always wanted it to be aired all year. The idea of the program inspired me A LOT and so decided to call my blog series

نقطة نظام

قل ما تريد ...أرسل بريد...أوصل كلام
وارفع يدك...شارك وقل...
نقطة نظام

إن الحوار مع العقول
يثريك من فكر الأنام
يعطيك أفكارا ترى
فيها خلافا وانسجام

إن الثقافة في الحوار
تهديك من قيم الكبار
وتنير آفاقا بها
تجد الظلام غدا نهار!

Thanks again Dear Me, Dear Readers & Followers. Happy third year & happy new year!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Open Sesame!

Dear Me - Dear Readers,

I have recently read an interesting article in Al Arabi Magazine about the Joint Program Production Institution in Kuwait. I came to know the history of one of its most famous production - Open Sesame or Iftah Ya Simsim. So thought of writing this article, tried to translate parts of the original article and searched for more information from the official site of the Institution and from other different sources. Enjoy :)

Open Sesame
We have been told since we were kids the famous story of Ali Baba! The young Ali Baba works collecting and cutting firewood (a valuable commodity) in the forest, and one day he happens to overhear a group of forty thieves visiting their treasure store in the forest. The treasure is in a cave, the mouth of which is sealed by magic. It opens on the words "Open, Simsim" (commonly written as "Open Sesame" in English), and seals itself on the words "Close, Simsim" ("Close Sesame"). When the thieves are gone, Ali Baba enters the cave himself, and takes some of the treasure home.

Open Sesame - أفتح يا سمسم , Children's TV series
Iftah Ya Simsim is the first Arabic-speaking version of the children't TV series Sesame Street. Indoor scenes have been taken in Kuwait, while outdoor scenes were in many Arab Countries and the world. Actors, players and children have been selected to represent more than 12 Arab countries.

In May 1977, for $2.5 million, the Joint Program Production Institution bought the Arab World rights to the Sesame Street concept for a nine-year period, as well as CTW's technical assistance, research and production advice and the services of a resident consulting producer during the production period in Kuwait.

The first part was aired in autumn 1979. The second part was completed and aired in 1982.
The third part was produced in 1989, but it wasn't aired due to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Right after the liberation of Kuwait, 44 episodes out of 120 went missing during the invasion. The irony is, the two main puppet characters of the show "Noman & Malsoon" were stolen by the invading forces. The remaining episodes has gone through Montage process after the war to remove all the scenes that show the Iraqi actors.

End of article.

PS: Special thanks to Sama for telling me about the article. By the time you update your blog!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why I deactivated my facebook account?

Dear Me, dear readers, dear so called Facebook "friends",

Over the past 17 hours since I deactivated my Facebook account, I have had dozens of emails and few text messages asking me why I left the service so abruptly specially at my birthday night. To most of those inquiries, I say that I am suffering from Facebook fatigue.

I've been spending "or say wasting" a good number of hours every week on this social networking site.

I’ll agree that part of this is my fault for having too many contacts on the site, and especially for having too many contacts that aren’t savvy enough to realize that most of these silly applications are a huge waste of my time. That being said, I don’t have the time to deal with requests I don’t care about from people I barely speak to anymore. And when I’m spending more time declining requests than I am doing more productive things on the site, then you know I’m in over my head. It’s like email all over again.

Return on investment is a concept I learnt back in college days, it is incredibly important in all aspects of life I should say, so why not in social networking applications? And why the hell would I accept the tens of friendship requests from random people I barely know.

Yes, I love Mafia movies, but no I don’t want to be part of them. Yes, I like hot chocolates, but no I don’t want a virtual one. Yes, I’d love to cook and have my own restaurant/cafe - but not online. I know I have a big brain, so what's the deal?
I suck in Geography so why humiliating myself in public? :p

Those who I care about and who are really in my life will remain the same, as for the rest, am sorry...facebook is no more my cup of tea

Thanks & Regards,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

مذكراتي في العيد ج1

صباح آخر في العيد

صباح آخر من الصباحات العليلة!

قمت من صباح الله خير كعادتي السيئة, يعني الناس إجازات والواحد لازم يستغل هذه الفرص السعيدة في النوم لساعات طويلة إلى وقت القايلة وانا بسلامتي من الساعة 7 الصبح مبققة عيوني مثل البوم...ولكن ما أقول إلا: يا شين السرج على العنز

باقي 16 يوم في الحياة وأكمل 23 سنة من مسيرتي الأبية في هذه الحياة...أتذكر قبل حوالي 13 سنة لمن كملت 10 سنوات... أتذكر اني قعدت أصيح لأن رقم 10 كان بالنسبالي رقم كبير ويازعم اني بديت أصير *عيوز* في الحياة...تساؤل يدور في بالي: عندما أكمل 30 سنة يعني بعد 7 سنوات من الحين وش راح أسوي؟ أشق هدومي وألطم!

المهم...قمت ونزلت تحت أتريق ودورت الوالدة ولقيتها تطالع تلفزيون فشاركتها الجلسة الطيبة وياهي جلسة...حرصت إني أحسسها بأني حالي حال أي ياهل لما يشوف أمه تطالع التلفزيون يعلق ويصر أنها تحطله رسوم متحركة...تمت عملية رفع الضغط بنجاح وتركت لي أمي جهاز التحكم تحت تصرفي! ^^''

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eid Mubarak!

Dear Me - Dear Readers

Eid comes every year to give us an occasion to celebrate and rejoice. It's time to recall all the sweet memories that come along. The first thing I do every Eid morning is: closing my eyes, reminding myself of all good Eid memories till what I call "the sense of Eid" starts dominating my soul, it's a ritual I came up with not sure why, but it makes me feel good...!

Just wanted to say Eid Mubarak to you readers and passers-by. May the day be blessed for you and your loved ones. Have a good one, and remember to stay safe.

Friday, November 20, 2009

"أطلع العلاق من الكبت؟"

بداية: قد يستغرب البعض من العنوان الغريب..ولكنني قررت مؤخيرا أن أقتبس عبارات أمي "الله يحفظها" المشهورة في كل كتاباتي القادمة. وقريبا سأنشر بعض الأعمال المتواضعة بقلم الوالدة - تستاهل بلوغ مدونة في الحياة

العلاق: ما تعلق به الملابس
الكبت: الخزانة حزانة الملابس

يقول الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام: "إذا بليتم فاستتروا"..ولكن الحاصل مع الأخوة العرب في هذه الأيام هو تماما النقيض...الغسيل منشور ومفضوح جدام اللي يسوى والي ما يسوى

الأحداث الأخيرة في السودان التي أعقبت مباراة التأهل بين منتخبي مصر والجزائر استحوذت على اهتمام الإعلام الغربي والاغربي حول الحالة المزرية التي وصل لها العرب...مهزلة علنية واللي ما يشتري يتفرج

أطلع العلاق من الكبت؟

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

قصة يعروف

وبوست ثاني عن أيام الطفولة السعيدة ولكن بالعربي

اليوم كنت أحمم "كنت ابقول أسبح ولكن قلت خليني شوي اعدل الكلمة بس شكلي عميتها" قطوتي المدلله "بكسي" أو "بكسي العنز" على قولة الوالدة الله يحفظها
واخوي مر علي بالحمام وانا افرك فيها باستخدام أرقى أنواع الشامبوهات المتوفرة في الشاور "برت بلاس طلع راقي في الحلقة الأخيرة"...عموما صرح بشيء من الجدية اني : "من يوم انتي هالكبر –يأشر لركبته- وانتي مينونة تربين حيوانات"
ولكن التصريح ينقصة شيء من الحقيقة...فأختكم العزيزة كانت تربي الحيوانات والحشرات...
في إحدى الأيام الربيعية كنت أتمشى في الحوش بروحي وألعب لعبتي المفضله: أمشي والاحظ ظلي وابدا بالركض خوفا "أو تخويفا لأني كنت أخوف روحي" لعل وعسى يتركني الطل في حالي...وهكذا دواليك...وبينما كنت أوثب كالحصان وإذا بي أرى يعروف – مادري اذا في له اسم ثاني في الحياة بس هذا شكله:

ورأفت بحاله يمشي بروحه كأنه ضيع نعاله مالت العيد وأمه بتصارخ فيه لو رد البيت من دونها
فقررت اني أريبة وانه يكون *ماي بيت*
اليوم الأول مر بسلام..حرصت اني أوفر لليعروف مالي قطع السكر المنثورة *الطبق الرئيسي* وكنت أعاقبه بنثر الملح إذا قل أدبه وحاول الخروج من العلبة الي خصصتها حقه كبيت آمن
وفي اليوم الثاني قلت في خاطري: لازم اليعروف يتسبح اليوم...أخ على أمه أكيد ما سبحته من يوم ربته *أو باضته؟*..وصبيت كأس من الماي على العلبة.. وتمت العملية بسلام لولا ان اليعروف المسكين كان يترنح على سطح الماي الي في العلبة يدور ملجأ من الطوفان..
بعد الانتهاء من عملية التحميم قررت أني انشفة في *تيشوه* بعد ما تعبت أدور فوطة على مقاسه وشفت بودرة بعد الاستحمام مالت اخوي لما كان ياهل وقلت خليني احط حق اليعروف شوي أكيد بيدفيه خصوصا الحين برد يحليله...
وما قصرت...امتلأت العلبة بالباودر وحاولت اطلع اليعروف وأشوف شخباره بعد الجريمة الي سويتها فيه...وعيونكم ما تشوف الا الخير...اليعروف توقف عن الحراك...وبدأت بالبكاء...يعرووف مات!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Children's song!

لا تنسى أبدا ذكر الله -Don't forget to remember Allah; is the name of a children' song I'm currently into. It's been aired on Toyor Al Jannah channel "check my blog about Toyor Al Jannah Channel here" since Ramadan. The song's lyrics are just too simple yet meaningful and cute!

Last Eid we had a family party for the kids and I performed this song with my little cousin Dana. The kids went all crazy singing it loudly and jumping all around the place...little monkeys lol; good times indeed!!

I love this line from the song's lyrics the most- :D يذوبـــني!!

إن كنت بسوق
أو كنت تسوق
أو مسك سوء
قل يا الله!!

Will leave you with the song.

So what do you think? Isn't it just cute?!
Good to see some innocence in stuff presented to kids through the media. TV channels suffer from lack of innocence. Don't you agree? ;)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

:) & :S

Dear Me - Dear Readers,

It took me a while before deciding on what shall I blog about?
I have been blogging a lot about my personal thoughts recently, and just before writing this line I was like "who on earth would be interested in reading my thoughts - but oh well, I guess that's what blogging is all about :)

Do you remember when I once blogged about how messy are the thoughts in my head? That's how I exactly feel right now. I had a crazy week *literally*.
I seriously need a break to reorganize my life and my thoughts.

Random thoughts:

1. Is it normal to feel uncomfortable about things and you keep on hiding it just 'cause don't wanna hurt anyone?
2. I don't really want to spend the rest of my life working *for someone*! Is that normal too? Isn't it stupid to waste the energy and creativity you have in such a young age by working for others?
3. I strongly believe that I have the greatest mom on the face of earth. She proved - and still is proving that to me every single day :)
4. Isn't it an aweful feeling when you fail on changing something you always longed to change? You always dreamed to change? Am I missing something here?
5. I better go to bed now. Goodnight everyone! Sweet dreams!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Dear Me,

We had this monthly meeting with the department's manager. In the meeting we were 5 ladies and 6 guys + the manager. In the meeting, the manager was reviewing some survey's results, the survey was about the various issues employees face at work such as; work life balance, rewards and recognition and harassment!!

Harassment refers to a wide spectrum of offensive behavior.The term commonly refers to behavior intended to disturb or upset, and, when the term is used in a legal sense, it refers to behaviours which are found threatening or disturbing.

Anyways, he was going through the different points that the survey covered and discussing them with the staff, listening to their concerns and whatnot.

I don't want to seem silly by blogging about this, but it was so funny that when they reached the *harassment* point, they all looked at me and some female colleagues started talking on my behalf *like I asked them to do so!!*

And the funniest thing is the way people in this part of the world look at unmarried girls. Makes me feel upset!! Seriously, some people's minds need to be formatted...Putting everything else aside, they are annoying harassing me with this attitude :@

Anyone feels the same way I do!!?

PS: This post was published using:

It's awesome, try it out ;)

Friday, October 2, 2009

just to catch up - تواصل

أول شي اعتذر من الانقطاع المفاجئ "قوية" عموما مضى وقت طويل من أخر مرة جددت فيها هالبقعة المتواضعه

عموما اتمنى انكم قضيتوا اجازة عيد حلوة وعساكم من العايدين والسالمين يا رب

*this week's highlight*

1. وايد سمعت قصص وناس قراب مني عايشوا مواقف تعرضوا فيها لأخطاء طبيه جسيمة...نتيجة إهمال العاملين في مستشفياتنا الي ترفع الراس ..ما اعمم لأن في ناس ثقة وتكانه الواحد يسلمهم روحه وهو مرتاح..
2. اليوم كنت أتشكى الصبح من ضغط الدوام والوالدة الله يطول بعمرها عطتني كلمتين بالصميم ..أبكتني وهــزت أركاني هز...عسى الله يحفظها لي دوم ذخر يا رب :)
3. صديقات عمري صاروا أمهات...شعور حلو وغريب في الحياة!! ههه الله يحفظهم
4. ما عندي سالفة بس الاسبوع الياي رح يكون من أهم الاسابيع في حياتي المهنية "الي يسمع" عموما ادعولي بالتوفيق
5. احتاج إلى راس مال!! أخاف أموت قبل لا اسوي الي في بالي ههه

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Eid Mubarak!!

To my peeps, dear readers and family near and far, Happy Eid!

It's a public holiday in Oman starting from tomorrow for the government sector, but some private sector employees *like myself* are going to have their holidays starting next Sunday. I'll be around till Saturday afternoon probably, then will travel to my dad's town..

Eid holidays check list:
1. My laptop
2. Some work stuff!
3. "Outliers" book by William J. Romanos

4. My Camera
5. Money"3ayadi" for the kids
6. My sister's birthday gift "shshsh don't tell no one :p"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My childhood

This post is dedicated to you dear readers on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr Al Mubarak :p

Random stories from my childhood.

I've gone through an incredible childhood with an unsurpassable love for adventures. I was surrounded by a big family; many siblings mashallah.

1. My brother, made up a story from his mind and managed to convince my other siblings that I was born to be a witch. And that he once saw me trying to ride a broom and that he replaced my broom with a broken sweeper...so I fell on our neighbor's roof. For +3 years, my younger used to believe it's true!

2. I once joined my male cousins and male siblings in building a room using some cement blocks. It took us around 3 days. We bought some candles and decided to sleep over at our new room. It was located in a valley "see7" infront of my uncle's house. We struggled in covering the roof, so my brother suggested that we use my uncle's Bisht for this purpose. And so we did!! Few minutes after covering the roof with the poor Bisht, my uncle caught us and asked an Indian worker to demolish the room :'(

3. I seriously can't recall how our house used to look like from the inside :p

4. When I was 11, and in that specific year, my mom was checking my closet. She couldn't find a single pant that wasn't torn out at the knee, and there was no way she can patch them! Thanks to Ammar's bicycle "my childhood friend and neighbor"

To be continued...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This post is dedicated to Osama..

Who is Osama?

Many readers must be wondering if am going to talk about Osama bin Ladin in this post, but the answer is not!

Since my family moved to this neighborhood; that's almost 15 years ago, we got to know a kid who's living in the other side of the neighborhood. When he was a baby, a car hit him while he was crossing the street and the hit affected his head badly. So he has been having a severe mental retardation/disorder since then. I used to hate it when some people used to call him Majnoon "insane".

Anyhow, I used to see him a lot when I was young (7-12 years old) but then got busy with school/college...many years passed and I was barely able to see him walking or sitting on a chair outside his family's house, cheering and waving his hands for whoever passes by from the neighbors.

Last month, I was out with my sister walking to the park that's right behind our house. Osama was walking towards some kids there to play with them like he always do after Asir prayer. I saw him, and called him with his name. He was looking for the source of the voice as it was too dark "around 8 pm". He walked towards us and was like "Is that you Faith!!?"
It was funny and quite cute when he covered his face in disbelief when I told him that I graduated and that am working now and that I bought myself a car "his obsession since he was a kid!"..He talked about the guy who stole his mobile phone, and that his sisters have at last managed to pass grade 12! And many other funny and random stories. He left after he asked me to pass his regards to my other siblings and to my Mom.

Yesterday evening, someone rang the bell. My mother checked the door and guess what! It was Osama!
He asked her about every single individual in my family and told her that he misses us a lot.

Such personalities are so rare in life. I smile whenever I remember the way he talks, his facial expressions when he describes his favorite car(s). His life is so simple and easy. He doesn't worry about anything. He spends most of his time in the park playing with kids and defending them if they get into fights.

On a side note: I was wondering why don't we have special care centers for people like Osama? He's so smart and he has multiple talents :(

PS: Osama is almost 27 years old now :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Open your arms for change...

I've been asked by many readers to UPDATE MY BLOG ALREADY :P

Anyways, I've been lately fascinated and concerned of following the huge number of Omani Blogs online both in Arabic & English. It is quite frustrating to see how some people are misunderstanding the meaning of "freedom of speech" term. They really misunderstand it and it IS sad!

I wished if I took pics of myself reading some disturbing blogs of some "so called" Omani Intellectuals who never hesitated or felt ashamed of using the crappiest words ever -not to mention swearing - in all languages you can imagine; I was so :O!! I still can't stop my never ending why's, how's, what's and why's again :O and huh's when I think about it..!

Having an online blog doesn't allow anyone to cross their limits, claiming that it's their right to express their views freely. They seriously have severe problems in understanding what "freedom of speech" is and how to accept the change in a positive manner...

A final note: open your arms for change...but never let go of your values

May Allah allow us to see the truth as truth and give us the strength to follow it, and the falsehood as falsehood and give us the strength to stay away from it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ramadan Vs. Faster

Dear Me - Dear Readers,

We are almost approaching the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It's unbelievable how time passes by this fast!

I've recently started doing a new job in my department. On monthly and quarterly basis, I'll be working on reports called: COPA, SL, Faster, CAPEX, OPMIS...etc etc

I think Faster is the funniest report ever, they call it faster...and I can't get any faster when working on it!

Hope all is going well with you people. How's Ramadan going with you so far?

PS: that was a random blog entry title :p, wanted to attract traders' attention.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Khawatir 5 - Ramadan Kareem

Few years back I was wondering what's the point of having hundreds of new shows during Ramadan that are useless, inappropriate to watch, and even more, a plain waste of time!

And...why do the number of these show increase crazily ONLY during the holy month of Ramadan?

(Ahmed Al Shugairi, the source of the picture)

Fortunately I'm not alone in my concern. Unfortunately we lacked a voice. Thank god for Ahmad Al Shugairi, host of the highly successful program Khawatir (Thoughts) which promotes public awareness about the values of Islam as opposed to just the rituals. Mr. Al Shugairi has successfully managed to prepare and host the fifth season of this show. Although it's a short show "it lasts for almost 10 minutes", but I'm really glad that it actually exists!! A 10-minutes-dose of Khawatir is making our Ramadan :)

(Khawatir theme song by Homoud Al Khedher - DOWNLOAD LINK)

What's special and different about this season is that all episodes were filmed in Japan. The aim behind that is to highlight the various positive aspects of the Japanese society in general. I was personally amazed by how polite, organized, creative and innovative are the people of Japan.
I'll leave that to you dear reader to decide. It's a must see in short!

Ramadan Kareem dear readers. May Allah grant you mercy, prosper and forgiveness during these holy days :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

التدوين في عمان

شهدت ساحة التدوين خلال الآونة الأخيرا ازديدا كبير في عدد المدونين العمانيين...لفتت انتباهي أسماء عديدة بعضها مر علي في السابق والبعض كانت أسماء جديدة كليا علي...لست في مقام تقييم ولكن فكرت بمشاركة أفكار عشوائية مرت ببالي بعد تجربة قراءة هذه المدونات الإلكتروني:

1- بشكل عام معظم المدونات العربية العمانية وجدت لغرض واحد..انتقاد أي شي وكل شي (كحالة السبلة العمانية) إلا من رحم ربي
2- تفاجأت من فئة من "المفكريين" أو "الأدباء" الذين لا يتمنعون عن استخدام أحط وأقذر الكلمات للتعبير عن أفكارهم "المتحررة" وعلى مقولة الوالد "هل هذا أدب؟ أم قلة أدب!" كلام منطقي :)
3- أعتقد اني سأبدأ دراسة تحليلية أو بحث مبسط عن التدوين في عمان بالعربية والانجليزية ...موضوع يستحق البحث
4- القوة والجرأة لا تعني بالضرورة استباحة نشر أوراق ومستندات حكومية ولا نشر أسماء أشخاص بنية فضحهم علنا...الخطأ لا يعالح بخطأ

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Personal Theory!

Dear Me...Dear Readers

The close friends of mine definitely know about my theory in life "Leave the future for the future"..

I used to think about the future WAY too much to ever stop; what I'm going to be/do in the future...What the future is going to be like? Will I be able to do so and so....etc etc
The whole thing used to freak me out to the extent that I had many sleepless nights thinking it over and over in my head. But gladly, I don't think about it that way now...not anymore!!

I recently started thinking about the future in the following way:

The future is such a grand mystery, and we shall take pleasure in trying to figure out parts of that mystery, or at least have a basic plan for our lives. But I basically plan too much to leave the future in and for the future!

How is this theory going to make your life easy?

It makes the way you look at life very simple...things are going to be so flexible. We may be lucky enough to achieve whatever goals we have in mind, do the things we long to do...but just in case they don't come true, you won't feel sad and you won't regret anything...

In short,

Give yourself the appreciation and love you deserve...Like the people you want, live your life the way you want...don't wait for others to do that for you!
I can now appreciate actions and words in the moment they are said, rather than look back on them with more fondness and regret. Things will happen the way they will, regardless of what you try to do to stop them. One day at a time. You can do this. And chances do not come twice in a life time.

Just do what you want. Have no regrets! live life the way you want! and trust me..
it’s so worth it! :)

Faith ;)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

untitled post

"Everything in life starts small, and gets bigger day by day...but the calamity; it starts big and gets smaller.."

"اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Here I am!

Nothing beats having a weekend after a busy and stressful week. Thanks god I passed the mid of year review successfully, I got a real good review/feedbacks from my manager. It feels really great when your boss thinks that he's happy to hire you and happy of your work and actually thinks that you are making a difference in the company.

Anyhow, I'm here to catch up with you dear readers of what I have been into lately:

1. A family member shared this piece of news with me:
A group of students in a Kuwaiti high school came up with a Kuwaiti version of Monopoly called "Al Dallal - الدلال" = The broker
This group managed to get many big companies in Kuwait to sponsor their project and they have the logos of these companies in their game. This islamized/Arabized version of the famous international game "Monopoly" aims at spreading the awareness of fair trading, social solidarity, Islamic Banking, circulation of wealth "Zakat" within the Islamic laws limitations..

Very impressive and innovative..!

2. You don't feel the importance of a person till she/he's a way! My little sister hasn't been home for almost 2 weeks now. I miss her so much and I feel sorry for all the times she tries to talk/play with me and I wasn't in the mood to spend some time with her...and simply ignored you. How evil!! :@
I sent her yesterday - a game she so desperately wanted...So she called me today morning thanking me for the gift...and she ended the phone call saying "I love you"... :'(
She's annoying and everything, but I surly love her :)

3. Now reading: تاريخ الأندلس المصور -The History of Andalusia

After publishing the successful book called "Palestine Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow", Dr. Swaidan is back with another interesting book about the history of Andalusia. Seems interesting and it's full of pics od the places, castles, old documents et al that make the book even more interesting to read..

That's pretty much all..


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Voting time!

Dear Me - Dear readers,

Many of my blogs followers suggested that I move all my Arabic blog entries to this blog...!

Are you with or against me having two blogs one in Arabic & Another in English?

Let's the voting round begin :P

Questioning the Unquestionable

Time for mid of year review in my company...
I feel overloaded and I feel like shouting out loud "ENOUGH!"
Anyhow, it's been a while, I was kind of busy lately and committed to some family occasion...


Over time, I kept asking my self these questions over and over, but I never found a satisfying answer to any of them.

1. Why do people only remember you or want to talk to you only if they need something from you?

2. Why do people forget you when you are no longer around them much, but there are many other methods to stay in touch?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

واختلف العلماء

في البداية لنقرأ جميعا أعزائي الفاتحة على روح أبو الطيب المتنبي

اختلف علماء الانترنت للمرة الثانية..ولكن قضية الخلاف في هذه المره مختلفة تماما

علقت إحدى المتابعات على إحدى حلقات "أم شلاخ البرمائية" قائلة:
A little bit of originality couldn't hurt

وأنصحكم أعزائي متابعين البلوج االمتواضع الرجوع إلى الحلقة الأولى وقرائة الملاحظة
حتى تكون أكثر وضوحا أكتبها لكم بالخط العريض

وتلبية لرغبات الجمهور والطلبات المتكررة أحب أن أبشكركم بإصدار مجموعتي "البلوجية" الكاملة
أسوة بالمجموعة الكاملة للشاعر القدير طيب الله ثراه وثرا يدانه وطوايفة :نزار قباني
قد يتساءل البعض ويقول في نفسه "وش دخل نزار قباني" وأرد واجول: ليس لكل سؤال في الدنيا جواب
وللتنبية وجبت الإشارة أن أسم السلسلة القصصية مستوحى من رواية الكاتب السعودي القدير: غازي القصيبي

لأي استفسارات أو ملاحظات اخرى الرجاء عدم التردد
ملاحظة أخيرا: انا لا أرغم أحد على قراءة ما اكتب

Saturday, June 13, 2009



فلن أكون مطلقا تلك البلهاء التي كنت تتوقعني أن أكون


لأني لا أستطيع أن أمثل الغباء لأرضي الناس من حولي


لأني أرى معظم أحاديثهم بمنتهى السخافة والسطحية التي لا أطيقها


لأني لست الدمية التي تتزين وتتدلل ومخها فاضي


لأنني لا أطيق أن يرسم لي مخطط حياتي مسبقا


لأني سأكون من قررت لنفسي أن أكون


لن أكون مثل قمرة...ولا لميس...ولا ميشيل!

أعتذر...رغم اني أكره أن اعتذر

العُمانيات غير!

محمد العوضي / خواطر قلم / العُمانيات غير!
جريدة الراي -[ المصدر]

سافرت الجمعة الماضية إلى العاصمة العُمانية مسقط للمشاركة في فعاليات حملة ركاز «فاز من حياته انجاز» وذلك في النشاط المقام بجمعية المرأة العُمانية في مسقط الجهة الحاضنة «لركاز» هناك... في الطائرة جاء ثلاثة شباب من أماكنهم ليجلسوا في المقاعد الخالية بجواري وخلفي من أجل الحوار إذ انهم طلبة يدرسون في مسقط... سألتهم لو طلبت منكم تحديد بعض السمات التي أعجبتكم في المجتمع العُماني فماذا تقولون؟ فكان اجماعهم على أن العُمانيين شعب، مسالم، وخدوم، ومتواضع، وكريم ويحب المساعدة، وترى العُماني يعمل بجد في كل مرافق الحياة، وضربوا لي أمثلة عديدة من خلال معايشتهم هناك... قالوا: عمرنا ما شفنا عُماني «يصرخ بأعلى صوته»، قلت لهم حتى كاميراتهم هادئة تلتقط الصورة من دون فلاش وان كانت الأضواء خافتة كما حصل معي في المحاضرة التي ألقيتها قبل شهرين في مسرح المدينة، ليست مبالغة ما حكاه الطلبة فهذا انطباع الكثيرين ممن زار عُمان، طبيب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة الدكتور عبدالله العلي، والعميد حسين عبدالسلام... وغيرهما ممن شارك في مؤتمرات عُمانية، لكن أهم ما لفت سمعي ملاحظة الطلاب أن عُمان رغم تنوع الأعراق والمذاهب فيها لا تجد مرض التعصب ظاهراً بينهم ولا داء النعرات الكريهة بارزاً في ثقافتهم العامة. وهو ما تعاني منه مجتمعات مسلمة كثيرة... ولا أتردد في اننا في الكويت بلغنا درجة من التأزيم المكشوف والتصعيد القبيح لصراع الانتماءات المتعددة فلنستفد من التجربة العُمانية في التوافق الاجتماعي.
لكن ماذا عن المرأة العُمانية؟! الأخت المكرمة شكور بنت محمد الغماري رئيسة مجلس إدارة جمعية المرأة العُمانية في مسقط رحبت ترحيبا كبيرا في تبني مشروع ركاز لتعزيز الأخلاق بمدينة مسقط في سلطنة عُمان. وأكدت من خلال كلمتها على مبدأ المسؤولية الاجتماعية المشتركة لحماية وخدمة الشباب وتقديم البرامج الإعلامية والتربوية النافعة لهم من أجل التغيير نحو الأفضل، وذكرت نماذج على هذه البرامج مثل الدورات التدريبية التي تعطيها الجمعية لتأهيل شباب يرشدون المدمنين، واعتبرت مشروع ركاز إحدى هذه المحطات.
ويعود السؤال ثانية، لماذا المرأة العُمانية غير؟! والجواب انني لاحظت أن كثيراً من جمعيات النهضة النسائية وحركات تحرر المرأة في عالمنا العربي التي جاءت لرد اعتبار مكانة المرأة وتخليصها من موروثات لا تتفق مع دين ولا دنيا... أقول: كثير من هذه الجمعيات والحركات تطرفت بحيث أصبحت تتبنى حداثة معطوبة، فبدلاً من تحرير حقيقي متوازن جعلوها أسيرة منظومة قيمة غربية ففرحت بأوهام الرق الجديد.
أما جمعية المرأة العُمانية في مسقط التي أُسست عام 1970م فإنها تنطلق من بناء حداثتها على قواعد أصالتها ما جعلها قريبة من هموم الناس وحاجاتهم فتجاوزت عثرات جمعيات نسائية عربية كثيرة تعيش عزلة عن شعبها أو انها تسوق التغريب وتُسميه تصورا وتحررا وحداثة واستنارة!!
إذا التقيت بالنساء العُمانيات تحس أنهن عُمانيات لحفاظهن على الهوية، بينما نجد من بناتنا من تظن أنها من «صربيا» لما صنعت في شكلها!
شارك في حفل الجمعية معي المنشد الكويتي حمود الخضر والمنشدان العُمانيان إبراهيم محمد وأنس الغزالي وألقى علي العجمي كلمة المدير العام للمشروع، وكان مهدي العجمي السكرتير الثالث في السفارة الكويتية، وكانت حفلة قيمية عُمانية - كويتية زرنا بعدها في اليوم الثاني السفارة الكويتية وإذا بالسفير شملان الرومي وظاهر الخرينج وعبدالله الشطي ومهدي العجمي... جميعهم يقولون حباً وقناعة عُمان غير

شي يرفع الراس :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

How come no one told me?!

Dear Me - Dear Reader,

Update: Video was removed by me
I embraced the remote control yesterday afternoon and sat in front of the TV. I rarely watch TV, and if I do, I'd just check few limited channels repetitively, looking for interesting movies/documentaries or just watch the news.

I was bored yesterday afternoon that I decided to check other channels than my usual list. The result wasn't so pleasing. I was so shocked and astonished! Is that for real :|!
It was an Arabic Music channel, heard of it couple of times at work. I saw one music video, and said, “what the hell?” Then I saw another one, and said, “That’s it. You just ruined my respect towards modern Arabic music.

Can we seriously say that I am watching provocative videos and no musical talent at all? Is this what the music industry in the Arab world is turning to?
The music video was more or less like a porn video. I still can't believe that the singer is Muslim and actually has a Muslim name. I honestly felt so offended and ashamed!

And wait....How come no one told me that our so called Arab channels broadcast such stuff to individuals, families and the entire world! How come I didn's know about this before? :S

The only thing I thought about at that moment is to find out a way to get rid of that stupid channel and the other tens of similar channels that are feeding the poor minds with cheap stuff under the name of entertainment!

And wait, do kids watch those music videos? :S

PS: The channel's name is Melody.

The shocked me!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Change and Poetry

For the past three days, all I have been doing is spending more time to myself. I have been doing the one thing I am extremely good at in my life and enjoying it, yep, reading poetry :P.

So while searching I came across a quote by the famous Arab poet Mahnmoud Darwish:

"I thought poetry could change everything, could change history and could humanize ...but now I think that poetry changes only the poet."

That made me wonder, do poetry change anything in us when reading?
How long would the affect of a poem last?
If you become a poet one day, would you do whatever it takes to spread thoughts you believe in and reveal the hidden truth?

To me poetry is a way to the World's meaning, a way to change Society and possibly a way to escape modern materialism.

Great contemporary poets:

Ahmed Matar: is an Iraqi poet who have been living in exile for decades, most recently in London.

His poetry is very critical of corrupted rulers, lack of freedoms, the use of torture, clinging to power at all costs. He also laments the general situation of Arab societies.

In a very early stage of his life, he worked for Al Qabas Kuwaiti Newspaper along with the famous cartoonist Naji Al Ali. The latter, had worked to express his thoughts and his friend's thought in his drawings that made them many enemies. So they both got assassinated in London since 1986 (the year I was born in :p) to date.

Here's a short poem by Matar. It is a telegram to Safeyyudin Al Hilli صفي الدين الحلي (d. 750 A.H) who has written famed verses of pride centuries ago. He turns the verses around lamenting the current situation in Arab countries.

برقية عاجلة إلى صفي الدين الحلي
Urgent telegram to Safeyyudin Al Hilli
سلوا بيوت الغواني عن مخازينا و أستشهدوا الغرب هل خاب الرجا فينا
Ask the brothels on our shameful deeds, and ask the West if we are hopeless
سود صنائعنا بيض بيارقنا خضر موائدنا حمر ليالينا
Our doings are black, our banners are white, our dining tables are green, and our nights are red

The original verses read:

سـلي الـرماح الـعوالي عن معالينا واستشهدي البيض هل خاب الرجا فينا
Ask the high spears on our [high] traits, and ask the swords
بـيـض صـنائعنا سـود وقـائعنا خـضر مـرابعنا حـمر مـواضينا
Our deeds are white, our battles are black, our pastures are green and our swords are red.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

أم شلاخ البرمائية – الحلقة الثانية

أم شلاخ البرمائية – الحلقة الثانية

عودة بعد غياب طويل...والعود أحمد

أشكر كل زوار موقعي الخاص www.shalakh.com على كل ملاحظة وكل شلخة..أقصد اقتراح جادت بهم قرائحهم الفكرية...ولكل من كلف نفسه عناء starting a facebook group for me

آي ريلي ابريشيت إت...وهذا ان دل على شي انما يدل على رقي أفكار الأدمنز أوف هذي الجروبات المتواضعه..

جهازي البلوبيري كالعادة لم يسكت صياحة لا ليل ولا نهار...أشكر لكم قلقكم أعزائي وسؤالكم الدائم عني وأبشركم أنا بخير والشلخات قادمة وبقوة...والحلقة الأولى ما كانت إلا بداية الغيث

*فلاش باك*

في الحلقة الأولى تحدثنا عن المولد والنشأة بكل تواضع...كطبعي دائما متواضعة

وفي حلقة اليوم سنستعرض التجربة السياسية الشخصية أو لنسميها...حياة في السياسة!

أحد قراء البلوج علق على كثرة ذكري للأتحاد السوفييتي, قبل وبعد انهيارة..فمن باب التوضيح فضلت أن اخصص هذه الحلقة للتحدث عن تجربتي في عالم السياسة والتسويس! ..وكذلك سأتحدث عن لقائي بقائدين شهيريين من أعظم قادة العرب...أولى هذه الشخصيات هي: جورج بوش...وانا عندما أقول جورج بوش فأنا أقصد الأب بالتأكيد..انا لا ألعب مع الصغار...وكما يقال المصيبة تبدأ كبيرة ثم تصغر وتصغر وتصغر... ولكنها في النهاية تبقى مصيبة..

وثاني شخصية هو القائد المفدى: ساركوزي الذي سأخصص الحلقة القادمة عنه

انا واثقة من أن الجميع سيتهمني بهتانا بالجنون...جورج بوش الأب وساركوزي هم من القادة العرب؟

وجوابي لكم جميع أعزائكم...نعم....انهم عرب!

الشاهد هنا...هو انه اعزائي نحن ولدنا وجبلنا على تصديق كل ما نسمعه ونشاهده...لهذا السبب قد تجدون هذه الحقيقة صعبة التصديق, ولكن ولا يهمكم ,أنا لدي البراهين..

جورج بوش الأب هو ابن احدى البوادي العمانية الشهيرة - رمال آل وهيبة...أمه وضحى بنت الشيخ لاحق بن المر تزوجت بأعظم تجار النوق – البوش الذي تورط في شيكات بدون رصيد واضطر بالهرب بجلده مع زوجته وأبناءة ال50 إلى الولايات المتحده الأمريكية...ونذر نذرا بأن يذبح 49 من ابناءة ويستبقي أصغرهم ان حصل على الجرين كارد- الجنسية الأمريكية. وكان له ما تمنى وذبح ابناءه الخمسين, كل واحد منهم في ولاية مختلفة من باب التنويع وبقي ابنه الوحيد الذي قرر ان يسميه على ال Hitman الذي نفذ ال 49 جريمة في 49 يوم...

هذا كل شيء لحلقة اليوم...ويا ويلكم من ما هو قادم

PS: حتى يكون من الحلقة عبرة...فسأشارككم حكمة اليوم

"لا تصدق كل ما يقال" - "Don't believe everything you hear"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

COMEX 2009, yet another disappintment

Dear me - Dear reader,

I went to check out COMEX 2009 yesterday after work with my sister..And guess what? It was a big disappointment!

We entered from the back entrance, where the shopping area is. I was expecting a better quality of the products available in the shopping section in terms of advanced technologies - or at least having the normal technology products at sort of competitive prices than the market...

The place was totally messed up, haven't seen any thing new...the place hasn't changed since last year's exhibition. Soo anyhow, we decided to keep walking towards the business section "or whatever they call it"...it seemed professional and it was somewho something I'd really want to check. But guess what? The security guy at the entrance stopped us saying "Excuse me ladies, this section is for businessmen only, you are not allowed in"... I went like "Come on, don't I look like one!"
So sadly, I walked away regretting the time I wasted driving all the way to the Oman International Exhibition Center in Seeb.

One the way out of the exhibition, I saw a huge poster of some IT teacher who offers free IT sessions to the kids btw. I dunno if anyone checked it out - although I doubt it 'cause the timings of the session aren't suitable for the student as it's starting at 11:00 am, where all students are in their schools..

I hope next year's exhibition won't be another disappointment like this year's.

My suggestion:

1. The business section should be open for those who are eager to check what're the latest IT solutions available in the market. Don't they say they want to spread IT awareness amongst people? And who knows, average people might be potential customers in the soon future
2. The shopping section should be more monitored and organized. Some people where there and whatever stuff they were offering for sale has nothing to do with IT (i.e. Music Audio cassettes - CDs".
3. The overall look of the exhibition should be more professional, especially the shopping section...It feels really like you're walking in 7amrya streets as my sister described that area :p

Wish them a better luck next time!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

My vacation's plan

Dear me,

They said that I'm going for a vacation, but I know, you’ll will miss me terribly, so I'm staying home. I'm saving myself all the hassle and staying HOME!

How to convince yourself that staying home is better:
# The best vacations can be at home, with the computer turned off and a good book to cozy up with.
# There is nothing like a relaxing 5 days at home to fix my sleeping schedule, it would certainly "well inshallah!" cure all my health problems ;p
# I'm not used to travel so it's not good to start developing this habit أخاف أتعود!

So yah, I promise you all to have a quality time blogging during my 1 week annual leave!

UPDATE: My one-week-leave plan got canceled for some reason.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Speech from Obama to Muslim World

So Obama will make his promised speech to the Muslim world from Egypt?

Can't wait :)

Update: Yesterday evening, Obama gave his promised speech in Cairo University - Egypt.

Me, myself and my migraine!

Dear me,

Yes, I have been suffering from severe migraines (since I was 12). But it's getting worse everyday. I do see little specs of light, and my head feels like it is going to rip from the inside and explode whenever I have this stupid headache!

I'm not writing this to complain, but just to send this message to my head: I'm tired an sick of you and I can't take this anymore! Go away already!

I am sick of arguing over the same stuff every time I go to see a doctor. Good lord, how in the world would a doctor send his/her patient to do an MRI scan in the first appointment? No blood test, no check ups whatsoever?! Bless you all dear doctors.

I don't wish that in anyone of you, dear readers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

القرار المجنون

بعد فترة طويله نسبيا قررت فتح
ركاز الذي حصلت عليه بعد حضور أمسية
"فاز من حياته انجاز" الشهر الماضي

لا أخفي عليكم اني "استانست" على نموذج ركاز للإنجاز

لتحميل النموذج اضغط هنا

على كل حال
ما لفت انتباهي هو التالي

القرار المجنون قصة بقلم : عبد الكريم الشطي

لقراءة القصة اضغط هنا

لا تطوفوا قراءتها...قصة مجنونة هزت دماغي المجنون
دفعتني للتفكير أكثر فيما أريد بجد ان انجزه في حياتي
الوظيفة ليس كل شي..الوقت يمر سريعا ونحن ننجز بأسم للآخرين
فمتى سنبدأ بالتفكير بأن ننجز لأنفسنا؟؟

أتمنى القصة تعجبكم وتدفعكم إلى قرارات مجنونه

وكل عام وانتم في جنون

Sunday, April 26, 2009

حظي الطايح

اخر فكاهات الموسم

اليوم وفي منتصف ضجة العمل وفي قمة انشغالي "طالعت" علي خالتي "فلانة" التي تجلس في مكتب قريب من مكتبي, وفجأة وبدون أي انذار صرخت عاليا بأسمي...وقفت كل شعرة في رأسي وتوجهت بنطري إليها باستغراب...
"خير!!" قلت لها
"ليش حاطة شنطتج على الأرض" - صارخت فيني

"بس...عادي!" - رديت عليها ببيرود واستغراب

وبكل أريحية وتلقائية ردت علي "وأنا أقول ليش حظج طايح!! يا بنيتي لا تحطين الشنطة على الأرض...يقولون انه يطيح الحظ"

"وش الجديد" ابتسمت وتمتمت شامته على حظي الطايح الذي لا يعدل حاله وضع الشنطة على الطاولة ولا في أعلى قمة في ايفرست

. تعجبيني يا أم أحمد


Friday, April 24, 2009

I had to say something!!!

I was browsing the net, and reading some Arabic blogs, and were writing in Arabic the following: The best solution for Palestinians is to just leave Palestine (migrate from it), and the whole problem and bloodshed will end.

I am seriously going to commit some murders!

Typical STUPID closed minded people! No wonder when Israel bombed the hell out of Gaza earlier this year, no one gave two shits, especially the Arab world.

No wonder I trash talk some idiotic thoughts all the time, [أعيت من يداويها] for instance. I have every right and evidence to do so.


Itsy bitsy blog vacation

I was taking a blog vacation due to various reasons I will discuss in this blog.

1. I kind of had nothing much to say or share. Thoughts are, gladly, back to flowing now though.
2. I was busy posting in my Arabic blog - Faith's World.

Anyways, I'm back, I'll try to post more often the coming days :)..inshallah

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

أعيت من يداويها

في كل مرة أمر على هذا البيت أو استعيده في رأسي, لا أملك إلا أن أدعو لقائلة بالرحمة والمغفرة...
في بعض المواقف التي تمر علي في حياتي اليومية التي تجبرني على الضحك بكاءا "أو البكاء ضحكا" من هول الصدمة ومن شدتها, ولا أملك إلا أن اقول:
صدق -طول الله عمره- من قال:"إلا الحمــاقة أعيت من يداويها"..كلام من ذهب

كثير من المبادئ السامية والقضايا الشريفة تفقد مؤمنيها لأنهم لم يعرفوا كيف يتحركوا بين نقطتي (ما يجب عليّ فعله وما أريد فعله) أتخيل الأمر كخط رفيع أعلى سيرك عالمي يجب علينا أن نسير عليه من نقطة (يجب فعله) إلى نقطة (ما نريد فعله) بتوازن واتزان؛ أي عبث سيعني التأرجح وربما السقوط .

من أجل التوازن هذا هل سيصل الأمر إلى التنازل إلى تحمّل قدح في كرامتك ؛ وأن تبتلع إهانة من الحمقى في هذا المجتمع؛ وباتالي تصبح منهم أو أن تتوقف!! فقط لأن الوقت غير مناسب لأن تقول: لا؟!

- نعم!.

تمسون وتصبحون على خير أين ما كنتم.

ملاحظة: مجرة خاطرة مرت ببالي...لا تتعلق بشخص محدد
إنما تتعلق بمجموعة من زملاء العمل
لتوخي الفهم الخاطئ وجبت الإشارة

Friday, April 10, 2009

ومن انا؟

احتار علماء علم الاجتماع أو المتشبهين بهم لأكون أكثر دقة في التعبير في تصنيف من أكون..."مطوعة" أم "علمانية"
واحتار غيرهم من علماء "النت" في ذلك أيضا وعلى قول احداهن:
"ما عرفنالك انتي؟" ولا أخفيها سرا عشقي المجنون بأن "لا تعرف لي" أبدا

"كم عمري"

عمري أحد اسرار الكون...أكبر حينا وأصغر أحيانا أخرى
أتقلب غيضا عندما أتهم بجناية "الفلسفة"

"أين عروبتي"

تحديت الزمن..تعلمتها واتقنتها إلى حد الإدمان
ابتعدت عنها برهة لأتقن غيرها
وعدت لأصدم بحقيقة أن جميع مصطلحات القواميس العربية نستني..أو نسيتها
ولأكتشف أن اسلوبي الكتابي "أخترب"
فما عدت أفرق بين ال"سيده" وال"الأمام"

كم اشفق على من حولي ممن لا يعرفون بأنني وفي داخلي أشمت بكل ما يقال...بكل شي..بكل شي

أتممت اثنا عشرة حولا ولا زلت أصنع وجوها ساخرة من وراء الآخرين
ولا زلت أفضل ألأكل على الأرض
واطلاق أصوات مضحكة
والغناء في الحمام

وأكثر ما يضحكني لحد البكاء
هو اعتقاد البعض بأنني سوف "أعنس" لأنني لست كالأخريات

فقد أدلت أختي الصغرى بأنني أول من سيتزوج من أشقائي...وهي متأكده

"وهذه قلوبنا معاقل الحرّية، وهذه أجسادنا ذخائر القضية، ونُقسم سنبقى، لأننا... وأرضنا... والحقّ... أكثرية!!".

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Night With Rekaz Campaign

The event:
The Omani Women Association held a seminar on Wednesday "yesterday" in City Amphitheater in Qurum Natural Park at 8:30 pm by Dr. Mohammed Al Awadi as part of "Rakaz Campaign" that has just been started in Oman. The seminar was entitled "Whoever has an achievement is a winner" and was presented by the famous Kuwaiti TV presenter and religious scholar Mohammed Al-Awadi. A large number of audience, both female and male, attended the event.

What is Rakaz?
The Rakaz program is an awareness campaign focusing on teenagers and youths to fight illegal and immoral issues in society. It's basically aiming to consolidate ethics and support youth's achievements in their lives.

What do I think about the seminar?

I really enjoyed it. It was a good reminder for me to keep on achieving and putting in mind that you can't be successful in doing anything without having good intentions and without having high morals and ethics.

We see people longing and working so hard to be famous and well known, doing anything to be famous,no matter if they're being ethical or not, forgetting their morals and ethics just for the sake of fame!

We are here in this life to make a difference, to leave an impact...In our families, in our work and in our everyday life...

Rekaz official Website
Rekaz Oman

Friday, March 27, 2009

مع جريدة

أخرج من معطفه الجريده..

وعلبة الثقاب

ودون أن يلاحظ اضطرابي..

ودونما اهتمام

تناول السكر من أمامي..

ذوب في الفنجان قطعتين

ذوبني.. ذوب قطعتين

وبعد لحظتين

ودون أن يراني

ويعرف الشوق الذي اعتراني..

تناول المعطف من أمامي

وغاب في الزحام

مخلفاً وراءه.. الجريده


مثلي أنا.. وحيده

رائعة من الروائع
واحدة من القصائد القليلة التي تعجبني من شعر قباني

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth Hour

Dear Me...Dear Blog Reader,

Answering a question that many has asked before, 'how can we inspire people to take action on climate change?', turn off your light for one hour!

On 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour.

Earth Hour 2007 was a Sydney event. Earth Hour 2008 is a global movement.

At 8pm on the 29 March 2008 millions of people in some of the world's biggest cities including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tel Aviv and Manila will unite and switch off for Earth Hour.

think this is something MORE people need to listen and read! We CAN make a difference, it is all about educating our peers and our families! I am totally down for this cause!

Please link the video and spread the news in any mean you can. Hope to see your lights all turned off on 28-03-09 at 8:30 pm in your local time.

Happy Earth Hour ;)

Earth Hour Blog
Earth Hour Flickr photosream
Earth Hour Official Website

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Touch Of Mom

I wanted to post something on the occasion of Mother's Day but got so busy, so here we go...I don't think that anyone on the face of earth shall be able to put it in a better and more descriptive way that the famous ceased Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish in one of his greatest poems "Mother":

I long for my mother's bread
My mother's coffee
Her touch
Childhood memories grow up in me
Day after day
I must be worth my life
At the hour of my death
Worth the tears of my mother.

And if I come back one day
Take me as a veil to your eyelashes
Cover my bones with the grass
Blessed by your footsteps
Bind us together
With a lock of your hair
With a thread that trails from the back of your dress
I might become immortal
Become a God
If I touch the depths of your heart.

If I come back
Use me as wood to feed your fire
As the clothesline on the roof of your house
Without your blessing
I am too weak to stand.

I am old
Give me back the star maps of childhood
So that I
Along with the swallows
Can chart the path
Back to your waiting nest.

Mahmoud Darwish
أحن .. الى خبز أمي
وقهوة أمي
ولمسة أمي ..
و تكبر في الطفولة
يوماً على صدر أمي
وأعشق عمري لأني
اذا مت
أخجل من دمع أمي !
خذيني ، اذا عدت يوماً
وشاحاً لهديك
وغطي عظامي بعشب
تعمد من طهر كعبك
وشدي وثاقي ..
بخصلة شعر ..
بخيط يلوح في ذيل ثوبك ..
ضعيني ، اذا ما رجعت
وقوداً بتنور نارك
وحبل غسيل على سطح دارك
لأني فقدت الوقوف
بدون صلاة نهارك
هرمت ، فردي مجوم الطفولة
حتى أشارك
صغار العصافير
درب الرجوع ..
لعش انتظارك .. !

محمود درويش

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sha5abee6 in my head!

Dear me,

I found this picture while I was stumbling, and I thought of two simple ways to describe it. ^_^

1. This is Faith's brain. It is filled with many tangled wires all over the place, has different colors, and no one can figure out the beginning from the end xD!

Does this look like your brain, dear reader? Or just a bad server room and the guy in the picture is pretending to care about how to fix it?

2. This is the world. Complicated, yet all can be fixed.

How can you describe this picture?



What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger..

After they complained that my blog was dying it was time to get down to some serious writing.. ^_^

I remember the last few weeks, all what I went through in life and work.
Many things keep on happening to us that are proving to us day by day that despite the big number of failures, we will win at the end in a way or another..

Failure is good. I can't win every day. I probably haven't won in a long time. That's what makes every little success in life so amazingly special. That also why I revel in the company of those who I love; even if they aren't around me. Sometimes hearing a long distance voice is enough to lift the most depressed spirits. Success is relative..

I fell down many times, did many mistakes, tore out, and in the end I learned from them...I treasure the sense of achievement afterward notwithstanding the pain in my soul and mind..

What doesn't kill you, will ONLY make you STRONGER & STRONGER ;)

Last word,

~I think I need a new town,
to leave this all behind...
I think I need a sunrise,
I'm tired of the sunset
Where no one knows my name...~

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Toyoor Al Jannah in our house!

Dear me,

Have you ever heard of Toyoor Al Jannah channel? "Birds of heaven"

Its invasion started and dominated almost all family houses like 1 year back or maybe more. My little sister doesn’t watch any cartoons anymore. We have Toyoor Al Janna on 24/7 in the living room! It’s getting on my nerves! I couldn’t believe how much kids are into it till we gather last Eid and saw all kids of the family singing their songs; they even do memorize the lyrics off by heart


1. “يا بابا اسناني واوا وديني عند الطبيب...ما عاد بدي شوكلاته بس بدي اشرب الحليب...السوسة نخرت باسناني”

2. "عصومي ووليد مرة راحوا ع بيت الجيران..."

3. "انا البندورة الحمرا ... مزروعه بين الخضرة
تاكل مني ما تشبع...وتصير خدودي حمرااااا"

OMG :S I memorize the above lyrics off by heart…


1. My older brother told me about his 3 years son and how is he acting like the kids on one of the songs by hiding things under his shirt “in 3a9oomi wa waleed music video”!! WTH!

2. My little sister starts wearing a scarf in order to look like the girl in “ya benti ma a7laki” song….ok, at least that is one good thing about it!

Anyhow, I’m not saying it’s bad but it’s weird how kids got addicted to it.

Last but not least, I dedicate the following song to all readers:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I’ve been tagged!

Ok, so I’ve been tagged by Amarant

List down 5 things people probably didn't know about you2. Tag at least three people

1. I used to wear specs then contact lenses…and now I don’t wear any of them. I have a problem in one eye since I was a kid; the other eye’s sight got affected gradually…
2. I don’t put 7inna and I don’t wear any gold
3. Never tried the Omani Halwa
4. I hate something called “make-up”
5. I’m the mid kid in my family

I’m tagging:
Meteor, haven’t see you around for a while gurl!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I worked harder the past 2 weeks than I did in the last 3 months

It’s funny how well a person works when there is an objective at hand. It is much funnier to work and not get paid. Yeah I resigned almost one week ago from my current job and joining another company next Monday, insha'Allah.

The past two weeks were so damn busy weeks at work. New campaings started and further reduction on the tag prices has been made. The place is getting more crowded than it used to be during Ramadan. So yah, I worked my bu!! off!! xD

I honestly want a career and I am not going back to this job where I am an underdog that is not allowed or given a chance to move up within the company, and always shut down and given basic tasks to be done. I am more than that, and yes I am arrogant and too self confident, but that’s how we grow as human beings. :p

What I'll be doing in the new company is something totally new! I like to try and learn new things, and this is part of my plan towards my biggest objective =D. Anyways, I need to get back to work on Saturday in my old company, it'll be probably my last day at work. I'll return back the company's car, laptop and mobile phone. I'm gonna miss the car A GREAT DEAL, but this is life...so whatever :)

Something I've been into lately: Jason Mraz!!

Do you hear me, I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Updates: Beautiful Weather

Dear Me,

Oh man. The last three days were like a dream come true. The weather was and still is so fantastic!!

Anyways.. all this beautiful weather is making me temporarly happy.. oh well.. I donno.. I've been having weird dreams lately. Of nothing really.. or nothing I can relate to currently with my life. I think it is cuz my stomach hurted last night and I didn’t feel like getting up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom.. I think that’s why I get weird dreams..xD

Here are more photos of what I call "Khareef Muscat"!

Special thanks to my baby Canon for taking these marvelous shots!
And special thanks to Mr. Tony for teaching me this new word "Marvelous", which is a good addition to my vocab xD.

أم شلاخ البرمائي الحلقة1

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اعتذر لجماهير المتابعين والقراء والمعجبين على التأخير في نشرة الحلقة الأولى من سلسلتي القصصية
التي سأحكي فيها باختصار -شديد- عن حياتي وللتنويه فقط وليس من باب زيادة الكلام
فأحب أن انبه بأن
1- اي تشابه بين الاسماء والشخصيات المذكورة قد يكون صحيحا وقد لا يكون صحيحا
2- إذا كان التشابه صحيحا فقهو مقصود
3- إما إذا لم يكن هناك أي مجال للتشابه فاعلموا بأنني اتعمد أو استهبل وفي رواية أخرى استعبط على حد قول اخواننا المصريين

نقطه اخرى:
اذا كنت مشغول فارتفع لأعلى هذه الشاشه على الكورنر بالضبط واضغط على المربع الأحمر الي فيه علامة x
اما اذا كنت فاضيين فأنا فاضيه وقلبي فاضي

ونقطة أخيرة اعزائي:
اذا لم تعجبك كتاباتي فبإمكانك استرداد نقودك "كاش" واعلامنا بانتقادك نحن نشجع حرية الفكر والتفكير والنقد والتنقيد

::المولد والنشأه::
تقول أمي بأنني كنت من أصعب أطفالها ولاده حيث تمنت في لحظة ولادتي انها لم تتزوج أبي ولا تركت والدها واخوانها وحيدين في الكويت عاصمة أوروبا الغربية قبل قيام الاتحاد السوفيتي
ولا زالت تتذكر كل لحظة رعب عاشتها في تلك الليليه المشؤومة
جمال الطفل المدلل في السابعه من عمرة يمتطي صهوة ال"سيكل" ليوقظ السائق المسكين "رتنا" القاطن في احدى الملاحق الخلفية للمنزل
"ايس مسكل أرباب؟ليش في جوم انا بنص الليل؟ في سي؟ ماما مال انته في يولد؟"
قال رتنا الذي صحا من نومه العميق بعد عشاء دسم مكون من 4 خبزات تشباتي و5 ونصف صحون دال وعلبة زيت نارجيل ابقى نصفها ليستخدمها في تصفيف شعره

**جزء من النص محذوف لأسباب سياسية**

اشرقت في الحياة شمس الأمل والنهضة والحرية..تحرر الأقصى السليب
انجلى الـ"ق"ـزو الـ"ق"ـاشم من الاراضي الكويتيه
تقهقر الشاه الأخير في ايران واندلعت الثورة الإسلاميه
المعلق الرياضي المحبوب "يوسف سيف" يهلل من الأراضي القطرية ومن وسط أحد الملاعب في مدينه الدوحة بالتحديد في مباراة الغرافة والسد
"يـــــــا سلام ..ياااسلااااااام السد يفوز على الغرافة 20 مقابل لا شيء! لا بد ان اليوم"سبشل" جمهورنا "سبشل" لاعبينا "سبشل" ولد اليوم شخص "سبشل في اراضينا الخليجية الحرة الأبيه
ويال سخرية الأقدار..لم يصل خبر مولدي في قطر الا بعد 3 أيام..لم تكن فترة طويلة على كل حال

أم شلاخ

السلام عليكم...في البداية أحب أن أشكر جميع من ارسل وعلق على البلوج السابق
واشكركم مرة ثانية على الفيدباكز الحلوين الي استقبلتها في جهازي البلو بيري الجديد
وما أجول الا "الله يلعن ابليسكم"
أخجلتم تواضع شخصنا الكريم

وتلبية لرغبات الجمهور والطلبات المتكررة أحب أن أبشكركم بإصدار مجموعتي "البلوجية" الكاملة
أسوة بالمجموعة الكاملة للشاعر القدير طيب الله ثراه وثرا يدانه وطوايفة :نزار قباني
قد يتساءل البعض ويقول في نفسه "وش دخل نزار قباني" وأرد واجول: ليس لكل سؤال في الدنيا جواب
وللتنبية وجبت الإشارة أن أسم السلسلة القصصية مستوحى من رواية الكاتب السعودي القدير: غازي القصيبي

ترقبوا المجموعة الجديدة
أم شلاخ البرمائية